Friday, 23 March 2012

Variety Communities of Blogging.

White (2006) stated that blog community refers to a group of people who shares the same interest networking online. In this community, this group of people is tend to create social connection between each other. According to Berube (2005), the advantages of building blogging communities is that all users are able to share their idea, news, experience etc through blogs or email as their platform.

To construct a blogging community, basically the methods are assisted by a variation of web tools. Holman (2011) has defined 5 ways on how to build a blog community, such as:
1. Reach out to professional bloggers.
2. Respond to commentators.
3. Write post in reaction to others.
4. Create a local blogger meet-up.
5. Share link love.

As blogging is constantly increasing, White (2006) has came out with three form of blogging community.

1.   Single Blog/Blogger Centric Community
It is owned by one owner. The owner has the authority to control the rules of engagements while readers return to the central blog.

A picture above showing how blogger centric community works.
(Source: The Knowledge Tree, 2006)

2.   Central Connecting Topic Community
This is created when various blogs share common interests and mainly focus on certain topic. Members are linked to each other.

3.   Boundaried Communities
It is a collection of blogs. How the procedure works is like forum, which they have their own tools like an instant messaging built in (re: Myspace).

Blog of can be illustrated as a central connecting topic community, which is an online community that shares common interest. Basically, all members are linked to each other. Also, in order to engage a wide range of reader and members, they create a page on Facebook to strengthen the relation between each member.
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- Berube , M 2005, Blogging back at the Right, vol. 91, no.5, viewed 23 March 2012,
Holman, K 2011, How to Create a Blogging Community, viewed 23 March 2012, <>.
White, N 2006, Blogs and Community-Launching a new paradigm for online community? , viewed 22 March 2012,

Numeric of Blogs & Premise on which is the most appropriate.

As Internet has brought a huge impact into our lives therefore it is a very important to be able to distinguish what both metadata and taxonomy needs are. Basically, those two are the main thing in order to support an organization’s goal for categorizing both metadata and content (Mironchuk, 2010). According to Mironchuk, people tend to use metadata to describe images and document presentation while content is useless without a strong taxonomy and metadata capability (Richardson, 2011) thus, both are related.

The word ‘blog’ itself does not really give much ideas regarding on the content of an online site. However, there are several blogs created out there, no matter it is a business/political blog, etc. There are some blogs that share inspirations and lessons to the reader. Nevertheless, mostly of it are personal blog too which it is just for their own purposes.

Margaret Simons (2008) has came up with 9 classifications of blog, such as:
1. Pamphleteering Blogs: where group of people or an individual argue on particular situation that happen in societies. 
2. Digest Blogs: all the content are basically being cited from elsewhere.
3. Advocacy Blogs: it is owned by commercial organization and political parties.
4. Popular Mechanics Blogs: contain lots of important information regarding on how mechanical works.
5. Exhibition Blogs: it is owned by artist, writers, etc. one of the purpose is to share their work art to wider audiences.
6. Gatewatcher Blogs: the written ‘gatekeeper’ of media.
7. Diary Blogs: more to personal blog.
8. Advertisement: created for business purposes.
9. News Blogs: informing people with current news

On the other hand, to my knowledge blog can be classified as Fashion Blogs, Photography Blogs,  Vblogs, Personal Blogs, Travel and Food

Different types of blog are created and each has its own purpose. Personally I think, the line between each category is close to each other. By looking at each format of the blog firstly, they start of with a title and continue with an interesting post of different elements. Basically I believe that all bloggers have the same goal, which is to share expertise, speak their mind and thought freely. Even though each blog has different content and so forth yet the readers have their own genre to choose of what post version they would like to read.
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- Funnel, A 2008, A Taxonomy of Blog, The Media Report, Radio National, viewed on 23 March 2012,
- Mironchuk, I 2010, Taxonomy vs Metadata, BBB accredited business, DPCI, viewed on 23 March 2012, <>.
- Richardson, MA 2011, using data classification to improve search result,, viewed on 23 March 2012,

Sunday, 18 March 2012

The Intensity of Blogosphere.

Blogs have become so popular nowadays. Besides, blog was not acknowledged as a way to fulfill personal satisfaction anymore but also, as one of the most important thing means to politics and business purposes. In the year of 2011, it had shown that blogs have an important role as a channel in delivering information and into all aspects in marketing campaign, as there are massive developments on movie online shop such as Netflix. The phenomenon of blog is stated, as there are several types of blogs, like as v-blog, photologs, corporate blog and so forth.

Furthermore, as the blogosphere converges with social media, the content will significantly more influential than social network are (Technorati 2010). Thus, the number of bloggers is increasing every year. However, as there are varieties of blog thus, every blog has its own purposes. For example, blogs do bring a benefit as to express critics and sharing expertise through blog for politics. On the other hand, blog is acknowledged as a weapon for business world as it could be used to promote, persuade and reportage around the world instantly.

One blog in Malaysia entitled yasmin the storyteller. Basically, the blog is categorized into an entertainment blog and briefly all the post is about sharing the experience in a form of video about value, moral. Hence, hopefully the reader or viewer who visited the blog would gain a positive attitude.

To be concluded, blogs have generate knowledge and functions as a medium of interaction, also the internet can play a significant role in the deliberative public (Gimmler, 2001) hence, all business field should have added a blog as a necessary thing in order to success. 
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- Gimmler, 2001, Deliberate democracy, the public sphere and the internet, Philosophy and social criticism, london, vol.27 no.4, pp. 21-39 <>.
- Technorati, 2011, State of the Blogosphere 2011, Australia, viewed 18 March 2012, <>.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

The very own purposes.

this blog is created as a requirement of one of my subject called issue of publishing and design. Basically, this blog will look like a medium to inform, discuss and demonstrate particular theories about issues of publication and design in society. The main purpose of this blog is to give a better and deep understanding towards audiences about media publishing, design, blog and its issues. As a result, we hope the audiences will have views regarding on publishing issues.